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DMCCF Annual Golf Outing

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


Crystal Springs Resort

Minerals Hotel - Golf - Spa

1 Wild Turkey Way

Hamburg, NJ 07419



Registration & Lunch - 10:30am

Tee Off - 12:00

Open Bar Cocktail Hour - 6:00pm

Dinner - 7:00pm



*Special room rates June 10th-12th

Mention DMCCF/GMFA Golf Outing

rooms incl. pool and spa facilities.


Click image to download flyer

All Day Ticket : $250.00

includes Lunch & Dinner

Prepaid Foursome : $900.00

includes Lunch & Dinner

Pool Ticket - $175

includes Lunch & Dinner

Dinner Only: $125.00

Sponsorship Opportunities

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Sponsor One of Our Heroes - $5,000

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All Day Event Diamond Sponsor - $10,000

Includes: 2 Golf Foursomes, Special Recognition

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All Day Event Platinum Sponsor - $5,000

Includes: 1 Golf Foursome, Special Recognition

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Dinner Buffet Sponsor - $2,000

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Cocktail Hour Sponsor - $2,000

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Dessert Sponsor - $500

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Par 4 Cannon Contest  $750

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Barbeque Sponsorship  $1,200.00

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Beverage Cart Front 9   $500.00

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Beverage Cart Back 9   $500.00

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Golf Carts Front 9 $400.00

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Golf Carts Back 9   $400.00

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Tees  $250.00

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Golf Balls  $1000.00

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Snack Bags for Carts $500.00

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Par 3 Contest Front 9 $500.00

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Par 3 Contest Back 9 $500.00

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Putting Contest   $500.00

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Hole or Tee Signage: $100.00

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